Pope Francis: How Many Migrants ‘Lose Their Lives at Our Borders!’

1 min readDec 1, 2021


Pope Francis launched an appeal for migrants Sunday, insisting that when we think of migrants we should think of their suffering.

“How many migrants are exposed, even in these days, to very serious dangers, and how many lose their lives at our borders!” the pontiff exclaimed. “News of the situation in which so many of them find themselves pains me: those who died in the English Channel; those on the borders of Belarus, many of whom are children; those who drown in the Mediterranean.”

Pope Francis will leave on a 5-day trip to Cyprus and Greece, where he will also focus on the issue of immigration.

The last time Francis went to the Greek island of Lesbos he brought back a dozen Muslim migrants to Rome with him in the papal plane. This time, he has arranged to have 50 migrants from Cyprus relocated into Italy to mark his journey.




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