Mass funeral of Yazidi victims of IS brings back painful and horrifying memories

1 min readFeb 8, 2021

Hundreds of residents of the village, as well as local and federal officials, clerics, representatives of humanitarian organisations, international missions and journalists, lined the streets of Kojo on Saturday as the remains of 104 Yazidis killed by IS in August 2014 were carried to their final resting place.

Among those watching was activist Farhan Ibrahim. He stood on the edge of the main street that cuts through the village and watched as mourners, most of whom wore black suits and white traditional Yazidi uniforms, walked in parallel carrying the coffins wrapped in the Iraqi flag. The bodies had recently returned from Baghdad after the completion of examination and identification procedures.

Silence dominated the scene, interrupted only by the steps of the mourners, the murmurs of the victims’ families, weeping, and the tambourines beaten by the folk-band players who accompanied the convoy, playing funeral melodies.

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